The Mystical Body of Christ
What the post-resurrection stories can teach us about finding Jesus present in our lives today
Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20: 19-23)
Anthem – Be Still by Mary McDonald

Hunker Down Church Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Hunkering Down in times of Crisis
(Eccl. 3:1-12)

Hunker Down Church March 29, 2020
Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Hunkering Down for the Community
(Psalms 133 & Hebrews 10:23-25)

Hunker Down Church April 5, 2020
Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Hunkering Down on Passion Sunday
(Mark-Marcos 14:1-10)

Hunker Down Church April 12, 2020
Church from John Knox Ranch to your living room. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Hunkering Down on Easter Sunday
(Our Resurrection Celebration)

Hunker Down Church April 19, 2020
Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Worshiping during Covid 19
(John-Juan 20:19-28)

Hunker Down Church April 26, 2020
Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Suffering and Glory
(2 Corinthians 4:5-12, 16-18)

Hunker Down Church May 3, 2020
Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Jesus Is Our Connection
(Colossians 1:15-20)

Hunker Down Church May 10, 2020
Church from Rev. Muller’s living room to yours. Come sing, pray and reflect on God’s word.
Peace During A Disruptive Reality
(Philippians 4:4-9)